Looking for a way to raise funds for your charity or nonprofit organization? Consider accepting vehicle donations. Unlike clothing and household items, car and boat donations can be put to use in a variety of ways throughout charities. The first (as you may have guessed) is direct use of the vehicle within the charity. Chances are that you have more than a few uses for a vehicle, whether that be moving canned goods or bringing supplies to the haven. The second, you may not have thought about: Auction and scrap metal. Both of which can bring in a few hundred dollars per vehicle donations to charity Milwaukee.
Many charities are already accepting vehicle donations to charity Milwaukee and putting the extra capital to use to better their programs and services throughout the community. For example, Rawhide has been accepting car and boat donations for many years. In fact, they've even arranged free pick-up to help donors who don't have a way to tow the car or boat they want to donate.
Not a Charity? Why to Consider Vehicle Donations
If you're not an organization but this article happen to catch your eyes, it's worth noting that vehicle donations to charity Milwaukee are a great way to supply the charity of your choice with a sizable donation that will make an impact on their mission. Unlike clothing and household items, car and boat donations give charities capital assets that they can auction off for higher monetary values or simply provide and fulfill transportation needs within the charity.
The best part? If you choose to donate with a 501 c recognized charity, you can use the receipt of donation as a tax deduction on your federal taxes. Simply save the receipt for your records and remember to turn it into your accountant or tax preparer when tax season comes along. So instead of selling that old car for a price you know you're going to resent, consider donating it to a charity that you truly believe in. Give new life to that car and support your community, too!