Monday, October 30, 2017

Three Benefactors When You Give To A Donate A Vehicle Green Bay Charity

You have probably heard of donate a vehicle Green Bay charities. More and more people are considering making this type of donation, in fact, which is a very positive development. There are, broadly speaking, three key benefactors from your kindness. Hopefully, building your understanding of that will encourage you even more to make a donation.

Those Who Benefit When You Give to a Donate a Vehicle Green Bay Charity

They are:

1. The charity and its service users. This is a no-brainer. When you give your vehicle away, your chosen charity can sell it or otherwise use it in order to support the service users. This also benefits the community as a whole.

2. You. When you give to charity, you will enjoy the feel good factor, which is quite a strong psychological advantage. Furthermore, you will benefit in other ways as well. For instance, you no longer have an old vehicle cluttering up your driveway, and you don't have to go through the stressful and lengthy process of selling your old vehicle. And to top it off, you get to deduct the value of your donation from your taxable income, so you benefit even more.

3. The environment. Around 95% of all the materials used in vehicles can be recycled. When you donate your car to charity, it will stop polluting the environment, as it will generally be salvaged and the individual elements will get to be reused.

How to Donate a Vehicle to Green Bay Charities

The only complexity in vehicle donations is finding a charity that you believe is worthy of your gift. While that is a personal decision, do make sure that your charity is 501(c)3 registered (so that you can deduct the value of your donation from your taxable income) and that the charity has an efficiency rating of at least 85% (so that the service users benefit from it the most). A charity like, for instance, could be a good consideration. Once you have picked your charity, it is a case of making the arrangements with them to have the vehicle picked up, after which they will provide you with a tax receipt denoting the value of the vehicle.

Friday, October 27, 2017

With A Donation Of Cars To Charity Green Bay, Donors Get A Financial Benefit

When we donate to charity, we don't do it because we something out of it. However, the reality is that when they make a donation of cars to charity Green Bay residents can benefit financially, in more ways than one. Of course, this should not be your main motivation for being generous, but it is still a welcome bonus. So how does this work?

Direct Impact of a Donation of Cars to Charity Green Bay Donors Can Feel

The first way in which you benefit financially if you make a donation, is that you can deduct its value from your taxable income. There are some rules to follow for this, however, and these are:
1. That the charity is 501(c)3 registered, which means none of the money they have can be used to influence the government in any way. They cannot lobby politicians or support political campaigns, nor do they have a party affiliation.
2. That the amount you deduct from your taxable income is the value of the vehicle when you donate it. Some charities will make improvements to the car to increase its value, but you cannot make use of that increase in value.
3. That if the value is above $5,000, you need to have an independent appraisal to confirm it.
4. That you did not receive any services or items in return for your donation.

The Indirect Impact of a Car Donation

There is an indirect financial impact that you can enjoy as well, which is one that many people forget about. The work that charities do, ensures that society operates in a more efficient and productive manner, and we all benefit from that. Take a charity like, for instance, which works with young people who are at risk of entering the criminal circuit and becoming drains rather than assets. They work with these young people and with their families to turn their lives around. The result is that they get jobs, start businesses, and greatly contribute to the economy. Many also volunteer at Rawhide to help the next generation. This may be an indirect financial benefit, but it is a huge one.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Spotlight On A Car Donations Madison Charity

More and more people in Madison, Wisconsin, are aware of the fact that it is possible to donate a car to charity. One charity that pioneered this concept is Rawhide, with website at To this day, they continue to be one of the most popular car donations Madison charities, being a role model to many other charitable organizations. So what makes this particular charity so special?

The Legal Element of Car Donations Madison Charities

The first thing that sets Rawhide apart is that they are 501(c)3 registered. What this means is that they are recognized as a true charitable organization without any political affiliation. It also means that they cannot use the money they raise to lobby the government or support political campaigns. Any donation made to 501(c)3 registered charities can be deducted from your taxable income.

Secondly, Rawhide is a very efficient charity. In 2015, they raised over $7 million in contributions and donations, and 81.5% of this went directly to program expenses, meaning the service users benefited directly from those funds. The overall ranking for Rawhide, according to Charity Navigator, is 90.11%. This is far higher than the vast majority of other charities.

What Does Rawhide Actually Do?

Naturally, a charity being efficient and having the proper registration does not automatically imply that it should be supported. Even being an example of best practice does not necessarily mean that the charity is worth a lot of donations. A major consideration is what they do and how they do it.

Rawhide works with at risk young people and their families. They are a Christian-centered charity that provides residential care for young boys at the Rawhide Ranch. Young girls and their families can also receive support, albeit on an outpatient basis. Through the Ranch, young people are provided with education in academic subjects such as math, science, and English, and they are also instructed in important life skills, such as team work and communication. Essentially, they are supported in turning their life around and choosing a more positive path, and becoming valuable members of society. Many become Rawhide mentors later on in life.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Features Of A Good Donate Car Milwaukee Program

It is likely that you have heard of the fact that you can donate a car to a charitable organization in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and then you can deduct the value of the car from your taxable income. Furthermore, finding a donate car Milwaukee charity is now incredibly easy, with more and more organizations jumping on the bandwagon. But with all of the possible choices, how do you find one that is a truly good option?

What to Look for in a Good Donate Car Milwaukee Program

There are a couple of things you should look for in particular if you want to donate a car to charity:

1. The charity should be 501(c)3 registered. Without that, you will not be allowed to claim a tax deduction. A 501(c)3 registered organization cannot have any political affiliations, nor can it lobby the government, or financially support election campaigns.

2. The charity should be highly efficient. Organizations, such as Charity Watch, allow you to look up how much of every dollar donated to a charity will actually go directly to their service users and not to associated costs, such as advertisement, marketing, management, or administration. An efficiency rating of at least 85% is the recommended minimum level.

3. The organization that will deal with your donation should really be a charity, and not a middleman representing a charitable organization. These middlemen are the ones putting the huge billboards and other advertisements up to encourage you to donate. The problem with middlemen is that they will keep a major portion of the proceeds.

Spotlight on a Particular Charity

One charity that you may want to consider is Rawhide, with website at Charity Navigator, for instance, gives this charity a 5 star rating and an overall 90.11% score. This puts it in the top tier of charities, with both accountability and transparency, and its financial is in the top levels. In the fiscal year ending December 2015, the charity raised $7,998,153. This was completely raised from independent donors. And the work that it does impacts almost every level of society, as it works with at risk young people and their families, helping to improve their lives.

Monday, October 16, 2017

The Benefits Of Making A Boat Donation Wisconsin Donors Can Enjoy

If you have an old boat lying or floating around somewhere that you no longer want to use, you may be at a lost as to what to do with it, especially after you have realized that it is costing you a substantial amount of money each month. One option is to donate it to a charity like Rawhide, who will work hard to use the boat to improve their offerings. You may be surprised to find out just how many benefits, some direct and some indirect, that boat donation Wisconsin donors can experience.

External Benefits of Making a Boat Donation Wisconsin Residents Can Enjoy

Perhaps the greatest benefit of making a boat donation is that you get to help a charity so that they can therefore continue to deliver their important services. You benefit from that indirectly, because the work that they do has a positive impact on the community as a whole. The effect is that society improves of which you are part of. Meanwhile, you also protect the environment as your boat will no longer sit idle, contributing to pollution. Furthermore, donors will directly benefit as well. This is because when you make a boat donation, you:

1. Get to enjoy the fact that you did something good for the less fortunate. This will give you a happy glow, leaving you feeling better about yourself.
2. Will no longer have to pay for storage, maintenance, insurance, service, repairs, and all other costs associate with owning a boat.
3. Won't have to go through a lengthy sales process with people who are just time wasters, or who hope to get a really good deal (for them) out of the boat by haggling on the price for hours.
4. Get to claim a tax deduction based on the value of your boat.

The Boat Donation Tax Deduction

The tax deduction is what really interests many people. Essentially, when you donate a boat, you will get a tax receipt that shows the value of your donation. This is the amount that you can deduct from your income taxes as well. Naturally, there are some caveats attached to this, as nothing in the world of taxes is straightforward, but you will be able to make the deduction so long as your chosen charity is 501(c)3 registered.

Friday, October 13, 2017

How Does A Boat Donation Tax Deduction Work?

Not many people have a boat lying around somewhere that they don't use anymore, but some do. If you happen to be one of those people, you may want to consider donating it to charity. One of the reasons for that is because you can get a boat donation tax deduction, which is an incentive the government has put in place to encourage more people to donate vehicles to charitable organizations. So how does this work? Let's take a look.

Choosing a Charity to Donate To

Before you can consider making a donation, you have to pick a charity to work with. There are many charities, including the one featured at, that accept this type of donation. This can make it somewhat overwhelming to choose the one that is right for you. Only you can make that ultimate decision, however, since it will depend on the cause that you feel most passionately about. Nevertheless, there are three key pointers that you do have to follow:
  1.  The charity must be 501(c)3 registered, or you will not be allowed to claim the tax deduction.
  2. The charity should be efficient. Look for a rating of at least 85% if possible. This means that at least 85 cents for every dollar they raise will go directly to their service users and not for administrative, management, or marketing costs.
  3.  Make sure that you are working directly with a charity, and not with a middleman.

The Boat Donation Tax Deduction Process

Once you have chosen your charity, you will find that the process is incredibly simple. Rawhide, for instance, enables you to contact them through their website to make arrangements for your boat to be picked up at a time and date that is convenient for you. Once those arrangements have been made, the boat will be sold at auction (some charities do other things with them to raise its value), and you will be provided with a tax receipt for your donation. All you have to do is deduct the value on that tax receipt from your total taxable income for the year.