Friday, December 27, 2013

A Vehicle Donation In Green Bay Saved My Family

A vehicle donation in Green Bay saved my family. Transportation can be hard to come by when you cannot afford a car. It is a double edged sword because to obtain a job, you need a car but to obtain a car you need a job and money. Public transportation is nice but it is not always reliable and it's never convenient.

My family and I have been through economically tough times during this recession, then someone donated us a car and we were thrilled. I can now work more shifts at my job because I have reliable transportation and my family can be more active in their community. I will forever to thankful for the vehicle donation in Green Bay, I received. This is a gift that just keeps on giving because once I am able to, I will also donate a car to someone in need because I personally know how much good it can do.

The most amazing part is that I do not even know who the car came from. Someone selflessly gave myself and my family a better way of life through their vehicle donation in Green Bay and they may not even know who I am. This generous act was a sign that people are amazing and do amazing things. I think Anne Frank said it best when she said “Despite everything, I believe people are really good at heart.”

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