You want to get the most bang for your buck when you purchase a car, but after so many years and miles, you just cannot afford to drive it any longer. You might be pouring more into your ride than you are actually getting out of it. But even after all of those years of use, you still want to squeeze any residual value out of it that you can. So what do you do? You might consider trading it in for a newer car, but we all have a feeling that dealers are swindling us and undercutting the actual value of your old vehicle when this happens. So maybe you consider selling it on craigslist, but you aren't the best at bargaining and will be easily talked down from what you should really be getting out of it. the next option on the list that you may not have considered: donation of cars to charity Green Bay. If you don't live close to Green Bay or even Wisconsin, you are probably thinking that Green Bay donation of cars to charity isn't even a viable option, but you could be wrong.
Why Vehicle Donation Can Work for You
Your Rawhide Green Bay donation of car to charity might be more viable than you think. Try it yourself: pick up the phone to schedule a donation time with Rawhide, and you will find that they offer drop-off and pick-up donations. They will pick your car up nationwide. If your old clunker isn't running, Rawhide will even tow it at no cost to you! Now talk about a charity that is passionate about your donation of car to charity Green Bay. As long as there are four good tires on your ride, you have a signed title, and you can hand over the keys, your ride is ready to donate. Once the organization picks up your car, they bring it to the donation center and put it through a thorough inspection. This ensures that it will be auctioned for top dollar. Once they auction your donation of cars to charity Green Bay, they send you documentation about the gross sale value of your donated car, and you are able to claim it on this year's taxes as a charitable donation. This may reduce your tax payment or even get you a refund!
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