Want to save on docking fees? Looking to dispose of your old boat? We’ve got the perfect solution for you: donate your boat to the Rawhide Boys Ranch. Rawhide is a faith-based charity that offers programs for at risk youth throughout Wisconsin. From residential care to outpatient mental health services, Rawhide has been dedicated to helping troubled youth and their families since 1965.
When you donate your old boat to Rawhide, you’re helping families from all around Wisconsin. In fact, 83% percent of the proceeds from your donation are used to directly fund programs that change the lives of troubled youth. In addition to helping your community, donating your old boat serves as a tax deduction. On average, those who donate their old boats to Rawhide receive 48% more on their tax deduction than the top charities.
What are Sailboat Donations used for?
Sailboat donations generally are used for 2 things:
- The majority of donations are used at fundraising auctions and sales. Rawhide and many other charities take donated boats and have contributors bid or outright buy the sailboat. The funds received from selling and auctioning off these boats are used to directly fund programs.
- Some donations are used as equipment for the youth under care of the organization. Rawhide implements physical activity and summer camps as a form of therapy for the families they assist. Though the majority of boats are put up for auction, select boats are used in the summer programs for the children.
Taking the Next Step
If you’re ready to get this boat moving, visit http://www.rawhide.org/donate-a-sailboat/ and complete the form on the right-hand side. The form takes about 1 minute to complete. Afterwards, you’ll be contacted by a representative of Rawhide to schedule a pick-up. Those pressed for time will be happy to hear that pick-up is free and often completed within 24-48 hours. After you’ve been in contact, remove all personal items from your boat and locate the title. You will be required to sign off as a seller in order to donate the boat and transfer all responsibility to Rawhide.
Remember, your boat donation is doing more than freeing up space at your house. It’s helping families throughout Wisconsin strengthen their families and ensure their children get their lives back on the track of success.
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