Thursday, May 25, 2017

Donating Boats Wisconsin for Tax Deductions

Donating Boats Wisconsin for Tax Deductions
If you're part of a dealership or are looking to get rid of extra inventory, you should consider donating boats Wisconsin.  Not only is it a great way to show the community you operate in that you care, it's a great way give older inventory that simply won't sell to a good cause.  For the majority of individual donations or company donations, you can seek a tax deduction on your federal taxes.  Depending on the organization, the IRS will offer you a percentage of the worth of your donation.  For example, if the boat you submitted to donation had a market value of $2,000 you could expect anywhere from a $200- $900 deduction off your taxes.  Just remember to save the receipt for your account. In many cases, this can help alleviate some of the tax burdens your organization may suffer from operation costs. You may find the same holds true for your organization's tax needs.

How to Find Charity for Donating Boats Wisconsin

Decided that donation is a good option for your company?  The first step to arranging this is obvious: Finding a reputable charity that does good work in the community you call home. For the vast majority of businesses in Wisconsin, that charity is Rawhide.

Rawhide is a faith-based organization that focuses on the redirection of at-risk youths and their families.  When a child falls into crisis, whether that be for personal or environmental reasons, Rawhide's counselors and volunteers work with these children and their families to create positive coping mechanisms and leave bad habits behind. Rawhide uses car and boat donations to incur extra capital for their mission.  The money they raise from these donations goes directly into funding their many summer camps, education programs, and counseling services.

For over 40 years, Rawhide has served thousands of families through the charitable donations of donors like you.  With that time comes experience, so if your company is new to donation and needs walked through the process you can rely on Rawhide to see you through. More importantly, you can work with one of Wisconsin's most active charities.

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Donate Car to Charity

What Happens When You Donate Car to Charity?

Donate Car to Charity
You may know how to donate a car to a charity organization, but what happens after you donate car? Your vehicle may be checked over, repaired if necessary and then auctioned off… or it can be sold for parts and totally scrapped… it all depends on the condition of your vehicle, and the cost of repairs. Your car donation can be used as a learning experience for people that attend classes and workshops organized by community members, providing an opportunity to learn teamwork, get experience that will be useful for pursuing a career as a car mechanic, or even simply help people learn to do everyday things like change wiper blades, refill fluids and change air filters. In the end, it will help to raise money and awareness for the importance of other future car donations, giving the charity that takes ownership of it a chance to continue doing what is necessary to keep the charity functional and as able to help as possible.

Donate Car: Who Uses the Vehicles?

Once your vehicle has been donated and taken over by a donate car Green Bay charity, it can end up helping a lot of different types of people. Families, single parents, college students, even first time drivers can all end up purchasing the vehicles, which are often sold for much less than is typical - giving people a break, and an opportunity to own a vehicle.

Having a car is an important thing for most people, as a vehicle gives people a chance to go to and from work, get errands done, travel, and simply act on their own schedules… which is a relief when you really think about it. Sure, public transportation is available in many areas, but it has a set schedule… and there are often delays and changes that are unexpected. This is not an ideal way for people to get to work or school, and waiting outside for the bus in the winter is no fun at all. Not to mention, paying over and over for things like buses, taxis and even ride sharing can become financially taxing, especially when money is already tight.

The people that purchase these vehicles have an explicit need for them, even though the car that is donated may be old, a little rusty and somewhat out of style. To a person that doesn’t have a current vehicle, simply having a reliable method of transportation makes it well worth looking past these potential “faults”.

Car Donation Benefits Teens

Car Donation Benefits Teens

The teen years can be a tough time for anyone.  Even folks who grow up in the most supportive families and have access to the best social and educational opportunities can find the teen years challenging.  Imagine, then, what a difficult time this can be for individuals who lack access to such advantages.  Almost every community has a foster care agency to help kids who have lost their immediate families and maybe their whole support systems. 

As the US economy has taken a downturn in the past few years, and substance abuse rates have risen to all-time highs, more and more youth are ending up in a position to need help from charitable organizations.  Teenagers have the most needs out of all of the kids served by such charities.

Donate Your Car to Create Opportunities for Teens

If you have an old vehicle you don't use and don't have time to sell, car donation is a great option that will help teens in your community.  A quick internet search will turn up many kinds of car donation charities Milwaukee that assist teenagers in the foster care system, or otherwise in need.  These charitable organizations may either sell your donated vehicle and use the monies realized to further their missions, or they may actually use your donation as a part of their mission.  Here are some ways that existing charities for teens use donated vehicles:
  • Many teenagers aren't yet old enough to drive.  Those who are most likely do not have access to the funds to purchase and maintain their own vehicles.  Therefore, basic transportation needs such as after school activities and doctor or counselor appointments become difficult for these kids.  Some charities make rides available in order to make these very normal and necessary activities a bit easier and more routine.
  • Outdoor and overnight trips provide great social and cultural opportunities for teens.  Camping and trekking help build stamina, teamwork, and problem-solving skills.   Visiting an art museum or seeing an opera or classical music performance open doors to possible leisure and career interests.

Why Vehicle Donation is Important

Why Vehicle Donation is Important

Vehicle Donation Facts

- Cars, trucks and even boats and ATVs can be donated year round to many charities. This is to encourage more donations, and to help ensure that people can get rid of unwanted vehicles whenever is most convenient for them.

- Car donations only require basic information to be provided about the vehicle in question and you, the current owner. This is for record keeping and tax purposes, because each donation must be reported and filed in order to ensure the legality of the transfers.

- The vehicle donation process not only helps the eventual new owners of the vehicles, but it also provides funds for the charities to work with.

- No matter what your beliefs may be, there is an organization available for you to work with. Searching the web, talking with family, friends or other community members and even the charities themselves can give you a better idea of each charity’s end goals, allowing you to make an informed decision about completing the donation.

How Vehicle Donation Helps the Community

You may think that vehicle donation Green Bay will only help the charities and the new owners, but you’re wrong. The truth is that donating cars and trucks like this will actually help the surrounding communities, too. With more people having access to their own vehicles, they can participate in things that many people take for granted like driving for leisure, shopping, working further from home than the bus or train lines can carry them, and simply being able to contribute more to local economies.

This type of vehicle sale also means that in most cases, there aren’t any monthly vehicle payments for new owners to make. This extra money can be used on repairs, maintenance and helping to prolong the life of the vehicle, instead of simply going toward paying it off.
When the charity raises money through the sale of donated vehicles, this money will go toward helping the organization continue to operate. This may be through paying bills, buying supplies, making repairs to facilities or vehicles owned and used by the organization, putting on events or fundraisers, offering classes or simply providing programs and community outreach. No matter what is done, each and every sold vehicle helps a great deal, with the proceeds being put directly back into use.

You may not immediately think of donating vehicles to charity, but this is an option that can do a lot of good for many people at the same time, so before you make the decision about what you’ll do with an unused or unnecessary vehicle, do some research and figure out what is best for your situation.

Friday, May 12, 2017

How Boat Donation Wisconsin Can Impact Your Community

How Boat Donation Wisconsin Can Impact Your Community
Did you know that the old boat that's taking up space in your dock can improve your community? Okay, that may sound weird up front but take a moment to think about this: boat donation Wisconsin helps charities get the money they need to expand and continue the services they offer to your community.  In fact, if you choose to donate your old boat with an IRS recognized charity you may be able to secure a tax deduction for your annual federal taxes through the receipt of donation.

If you've been fortunate enough to be able to upgrade your boat and aren't thrilled by the idea of selling it, donating the old pontoon to charity is an amazing option. Likewise, if you're looking for a way to get rid of a boat that is less than desirable, there is still a chance that you will still be able to donate your boat.  Many charities will even accept boats that are no longer in working condition in order to collect the scrap they may be worth.

Where to Complete Boat Donation Wisconsin

Now that you're excited about donating that old boat and getting it off your hands and out of your mind, you're probably wondering where you can complete your donation. Lucky for you, you have one of the best options for donation right in Wisconsin!  Rawhide is a faith-based organization that offers summer camps, counseling, and correctional services to at-risk youths and their families.  Together with their staff and volunteers alike, they've helped to drastically improve the coping and communication skills of hundreds of families and thousands of lives.

Donation with Rawhide helps the charity continue their service to the most important demographic in Wisconsin: children.  Better yet, the process is extremely easy to complete. All you have to do is visit their website and fill out a contact form.  The contact form will ask a few questions about the car, where it's located, and arrange a free pick-up.  From there, all you have to do is wait for pick-up day.  It really is that simple!  Donate today.