Friday, May 12, 2017

How Boat Donation Wisconsin Can Impact Your Community

How Boat Donation Wisconsin Can Impact Your Community
Did you know that the old boat that's taking up space in your dock can improve your community? Okay, that may sound weird up front but take a moment to think about this: boat donation Wisconsin helps charities get the money they need to expand and continue the services they offer to your community.  In fact, if you choose to donate your old boat with an IRS recognized charity you may be able to secure a tax deduction for your annual federal taxes through the receipt of donation.

If you've been fortunate enough to be able to upgrade your boat and aren't thrilled by the idea of selling it, donating the old pontoon to charity is an amazing option. Likewise, if you're looking for a way to get rid of a boat that is less than desirable, there is still a chance that you will still be able to donate your boat.  Many charities will even accept boats that are no longer in working condition in order to collect the scrap they may be worth.

Where to Complete Boat Donation Wisconsin

Now that you're excited about donating that old boat and getting it off your hands and out of your mind, you're probably wondering where you can complete your donation. Lucky for you, you have one of the best options for donation right in Wisconsin!  Rawhide is a faith-based organization that offers summer camps, counseling, and correctional services to at-risk youths and their families.  Together with their staff and volunteers alike, they've helped to drastically improve the coping and communication skills of hundreds of families and thousands of lives.

Donation with Rawhide helps the charity continue their service to the most important demographic in Wisconsin: children.  Better yet, the process is extremely easy to complete. All you have to do is visit their website and fill out a contact form.  The contact form will ask a few questions about the car, where it's located, and arrange a free pick-up.  From there, all you have to do is wait for pick-up day.  It really is that simple!  Donate today.

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