Monday, July 22, 2019

Support U.S. Veterans with a Car Donation Green Bay

There are many non-profit organizations serving disabled and other veterans from all branches of the U.S. military.  Many of these brave individuals suffer from the difficult effects of trauma suffered during their service years.  Their families also make significant sacrifices, sometimes going for years without a visit with their spouse or parent in deployment situations.  Many folks who have served in the military themselves want to support charities that make the lives of veterans easier.  A car donation Green Bay is one way to do this.

Donate a Vehicle Green Bay WI

Many car donations Green Bay charities ( veterans and their families provide a number of valuable services.  Some of these include the following:
  • Many veterans are significantly impacted by trauma they have experienced during their years of service.  This is particularly true of women and femme-identified individuals who have had to deal with a culture of misogyny, and those who have been deployed in combat-heavy regions of the world.  Giving to a charity helping these folks to coordinate trauma services with the Veteran's Administration and other supports they may need is a wonderful act of generosity.
  • Housing, which seems like it should be a fundamental human right, is another need for many veterans.  Regularly, around 40,000 U.S. military veterans are homeless each year in the United States.  A bit more than half of these folks are living on the streets or in another, completely unsheltered, situation.  This is a horrible situation that no one should have to endure, let alone someone who has given a part of their life to help other citizens enjoy freedom and prosperity.  An in-kind donation, like a vehicle, is a wonderful way to support housing for struggling military veterans.
  • Some charities appeal to more than one demographic of donor.  This is true of non-profits that offer services to match veterans with a service animal.  This type of charity will appeal to both donors who are interested in veteran's issue and those who love animals.  Providing a trained service animal to a veteran struggling with anxiety is a great goal for anyone's charitable donation.
 Donate a car today, and support this type of organization - or another done that works hard to just as much good!

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